Innovative Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine


  • Petro Boichuk Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council
  • Nataliia Ivanova Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council
  • Nataliia Denysenko Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council
  • Alla Bliashevska Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council
  • Sergiy Marchuk Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council
  • Nadiia Knight Public Institution of Higher Education “Lutsk Pedagogical College” of the Volyn Regional Council



the Froebel gifts, multimedia, multimedia services, cloud services, online services, Prezi, word-based games, future specialists, modern children


The article studies the use of principles of Friedrich Froebel’s pedagogy in the context of digital technologies implemented in the post-Soviet countries, in particular, in Ukraine. It also presents student opinions on the effectiveness of Frobel’s didactic materials aimed at developing children’s ability to participate in productive activity, which is of particular importance today. Besides, the article provides recommendations on the use of the author’s word-based games in Ukrainian and English. These games were prepared by a team of teachers from Lutsk Pedagogical College (Ukraine) in a mini textbook, titled “Froebel’s Ideas in Action: Theory and Practice of the Present”. The article shows how the cloud-based online service ‘Prezi’ can be used to master ways of using the Froebel gifts when working with children of preschool and younger school age. Finally, the article proves that information technologies can help one to create educational materials to improve the use of the Froebel gifts in preschools, as well as in the New Ukrainian school.



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How to Cite

Boichuk, P., Ivanova, N., Denysenko, N., Bliashevska, A., Marchuk, S., & Knight, N. (2022). Innovative Pedagogy of Froebel through the Online Platform “Prezi” in Ukraine. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(1), 233-245.

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