Contemporary Geoinformation Technologies in Postmodern Education of Geographers, Hydrometeorologists, Land Surveyors


  • Yuriy Yushchenko Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Mykola Pasichnyk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Kostiantyn Darchuk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Ivan Kostashchuk Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University
  • Oleksandr Zakrevskyi Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University



Environmental problems, geo-ecological issues, river ecological corridors, homogeneous areas of the riverbed and floodplain, flow-channel-floodplain system, young river landscape, STEM-education


There is a problem of incision of rivers. To solve it, it is necessary to obtain and analyze objective information about the processes of incision and related processes of changes in morphology, structure, functioning of the flow-channel system, the young river landscape. The next step in solving the problem is an objective analysis of possible factors of incision. The main factor in the studied objects is the extraction of river alluvium for many decades. It is also important to identify and study the consequences and extent of changes in the young river landscape, to assess its condition. We propose a method of analysis of processes and factors of incision that can be applied to other rivers, it can also be supplemented and developed. It allows to put in perspective the situation and justify the necessary solutions in the process of planning integrated management of the young river landscape as an important component of the river basin system. Significantly anthropogenically altered sections of rivers, their channels and floodplains may occur as a result of incision. They need special public attention to restore the environmental properties of capacity building. This is an integral part of the culture of interaction between society and rivers, which primarily includes objective quality monitoring, availability and quality of all necessary information (its systematicity, system analysis) as a basis for effective decision-making. An important conclusion is the feasibility of monitoring changes in the vertical position of channels and floodplains, as well as changes in alluvial deposits as part of hydromorphological monitoring in general. In particular, conducting GPS surveillance.


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How to Cite

Yushchenko, Y., Pasichnyk, M., Darchuk, K., Kostashchuk, I., & Zakrevskyi, O. (2022). Contemporary Geoinformation Technologies in Postmodern Education of Geographers, Hydrometeorologists, Land Surveyors. Postmodern Openings, 13(2), 409-429.



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