About the Journal

p-ISSN: 2068-0236 | e-ISSN: 2069-9387 | DOI: 10.18662/po | Frequency: 1 issues/year (starting with 2024), with possible supplementary issues. 

Abstracting & Indexing |  EBSCO; ICI Journals Master List - Index Copernicus; CEEOL; Ideas RePeC; Econpapers; Socionet; Philpapers; KVK; WorldCat; CrossRef; Google Scholar

Focus and Scope

Postmodern Openings journal aims to promote academic excellence in social sciences and humanities in reference to postmodernism and postmodernity in the context of globalization.

The journal has a disciplinary orientation being privileged positions from areas of:

  • postmodern society (hypermodernity; metamodernism; posthumanism; postmaterialism; post-postmodernism; post-structuralism; postmodern feminism; the postmodern condition)
  • semiotics (sign; relation; relational complex; code; confabulation; connotation / denotation; encoding / decoding; lexical modality; representation; salience; semiosis;semiosphere; semiotic theory of Peirce; biosemiotics; cognitive semiotics; computational semiotics; literary semiotics; semiotics of culture; social semiotics)
  • postmodern analytical methods (commutation test; paradigmatic analysis; syntagmatic analysis)
  • postmodern philosophy (postmodern philosophers; philosophical counselling, ontology; epistemology; ethics; aesthetics; hermeneutics; philosophy of language; feminist school of thought)
  • deconstruction (deconstruction and dialectics; deconstruction approaches - Jean-Francois Lyotard, Jacques Derrida, and Fredric Jameson)
  • information society / knowledge society (information and communication technologies; computer users or digital citizens; post-industrial society (post-fordism); computer society; telematic society;society of the spectacle; information revolution;information age; network society; liquid modernity; Information and communication technology)
  • posthumanism (transhumanism; human enhancement; longevity studies)
  • social movements and postmodern society (deprivation theory; mass society theory; structural strain theory; resource mobilization theory; political process theory; social movement and social networking; civil resistance; counterculture of the 1960s;countermovement;moral shock; new social movements; nonviolent resistance; political movement;reform movement; revolutionary movement; social defense; social equality; teaching for social justice; online social movements)
  • postmodern literature (metafiction; unreliable narration; self-reflexivity; intertextuality; postmodern themes and techniques in literature)
  • postmodern art & film (radical movements in modern art;abstract expressionism; pop art; fluxus; minimalism;postminimalism; movements in postmodern art: conceptual art, installation art, lowbrow art, performance art, digital art, intermedia and multi-media, telematic art, appropriation art and neo-conceptual art, neo-expressionism and painting) (postmodern film; postmodernist filmmakers; postmodernist television)
  • applied ethics, bioethics, public health, research ethics
  • postmodern architecture (high-tech architecture; modern classicism and deconstructivism; postmodern buildings and architects; theories of postmodern architecture; architectural postmodernism in Europe; architectural postmodernism in Japan)
  • postmodern religion (postmodern interpretations of religion; post-Christianity, neopaganism; postmodern spirituality)
  • social constructionism (social constructionism roots; influential thinkers of social constructionism; social construction of nature; social construction of reality; personal construct psychology; systemic therapy)
  • knowledge economy (post-industrial economy; knowledge worker; knowledge market; knowledge management; cognitive-cultural economy; Endogenous growth theory)
  • post-secular society (desecularization; new religious movements; Habermas' religious dialogue, Church renewal, Post-Christianity)
  • posthistory (representations of history)
  • postmodern education - the education for acquiring skills to adapt to all aspects of postmodern society (student-centered education; skills-focused education for integration into the society of the future; literacy for the information society; education for ethics; ecological education; E-Learning and Software in Education; Distance learning; e-Learning technologies; Projects and e-Learning experiences; e-Tutoring & Mentoring; e-Learning for sustainable development)

All these areas are intertwined around the idea of postmodernity and cultural, philosophical, scientific openings, particular to postmodernity. These research areas are subscribed to social studies and humanities fields.

The mission of the journal is to provide a cultural catalyst debates in post and transmodernity, starting from understanding the cultural paradigms mentioned above.

The vision of Postmodern Openings is a global one, addressing the academic community, being published articles resulting from theoretical or empirical research. Articles resulted from theoretical and empirical research are subject to a peer review process.

ISSN: p-ISSN: 2068-0236 | e-ISSN: 2069-9387 | ISSN registered at Romanian National Library by Editura LUMEN (LUMEN Publishing), an imprint of LUMEN Media SRL (art of LUMEN Group)  

Frequency: 1 issues/year (starting with 2024), with possible supplementary issues. 

Language of publication | ENGLISH

Member in | CrossRef; CrossCheck; COPE - PILA Association

Journal History |

Starting with 2018, the journal will publish 4 issues/ year with possible supplementary issues. Between 2010 and 2014 the journal published 4 issues/year; between 2015 and 2016 the journal published 2 issues/year.
The archive containing issues between 2010-2016 (June) are available at http://lumenpublishing.com/journals/ARCHIVES_PO_2010_Dec2016.htm 

Up until September 2024, the Journal was published by LUMEN Publishing, Romania. Starting in September 2024, the journal is transferred to and published by SC InManifest Network SRL, Romania.

The journal continues to be published in partnership with LUMEN Publishing House and with the scientific support of LUMEN Publishing House Scientific Committees.

Starting in September 2024, LUMEN Journals Division becomes In Manifest Network Journals. 


Publisher | SC INMANIFEST NETWORK SRL, In Manifest Network Publishing

SC InManifest Network S.R.L
Fiscal Code: 46072684
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Published on behalf of Scientific Body of |

  • Valahia University of Targoviste, Faculty of Political Sciences, Letter and Communication | ROMANIA
  • Center for Research in Political Science and Communication, Faculty of Political Sciences, Letter and Communication, Valahia University | ROMANIA
  • LUMEN Research Center in Social and Humanistic Sciences, Iasi | ROMANIA