The Demarkation of Creativity, Talent and Genius in Humans: a Systemic Aspect


  • Alla Nerubasska Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University
  • Borys Maksymchuk Izmail State University of Humanities



concept, structure, substrate, the system-parametric method, organic creature, creative being, art


A person becomes a part of a system that can “crush” him or her emotionally, sensually, psychologically and physically. At the same time, a person is still a self-organizing system that has a high degree of adaptability. The study aims to consider creativity, talent and genius in human beings, identify their grounds for subordination and manifestation and justify the content of their demarcation in a systemic aspect. The system-parametric method developed by A. Uyemov allows revealing the nature of the creative principle of a person. The basis of this method is a dual definition of the system to which any object can be represented. When defining an object, the concept, structure and substrate are highlighted in it. This hierarchy constitutes integrity in the system under consideration. A systemic model of several objects is proposed to determine the demarcation lines in the properties of person, which are creative, talented and ingenious: a person is a biological creature; a person is a creative human being. Sub-systems are distinguished: “creative and talented people”, “creative, talented and genius people”. Isolating subsystems helps to analyze demarcation lines. Using the system parameters “minimum-non-minimum” systems and “strong-weak” systems shows that the “creative person” system is minimal and strong, as well as more complex than the “human-biological being” system. The “creative person” system includes the other powerful systems listed above. The study proves that the weakest demarcation line in the system is “creative, talented and genius people” since it is difficult to imagine genius without talent.


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How to Cite

Nerubasska, A., & Maksymchuk, B. (2020). The Demarkation of Creativity, Talent and Genius in Humans: a Systemic Aspect. Postmodern Openings, 11(2), 240-255.



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