Internet Addiction and Social Intelligence. A Correlational Study


  • Georgiana Corcaci Associate Professor Ph.D., "Petre Andrei" University, Iasi
  • Corina Izabela Suci Masterand - Psihologie Clinică şi Psihoterapie, Facultatea de Psihologie şi Ştiinţele Educaţiei, Universitatea „Al. I Cuza”, Iaşi



evaluation, performance, personality, efficiency, effectiveness


This study investigates the relationship between the Compulsive Use of the Internet and the variation of social skills ( empathy, manipulation and social irritability) defined in the theory of social intelligence. Participants ( N= 70; 47 females and 23 males), over 18 years old. Two self-administered questionaires were used to colect data: Compulsive Internet Scale Use (CIUS) - Meerkerk et al. (2009) and MESI Methodology, Frankovský & Birknerová (2014). The research evaluates ifcompulsive use ofinternet correlates positively or negatively with social intelligence operationalized through the dimensions of empathy, manipulation and social irritability,theoretical and practical relationship between internet addiction (Compulsive Internet use) and variation in social skills (empathy, manipulation and social irritability).


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How to Cite

Corcaci, G., & Suci, C. I. (2023). Internet Addiction and Social Intelligence. A Correlational Study. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 110-125.

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