Interdisciplinary Links of Speech Therapy for Individuals or Children with Special Needs


  • Yevheniia Lyndina Berdyansk State Pedagogical University



language, philosophy of language, hermeneutics, speech therapy, speech disorder, phonemic rhythm, phonemic hearing, autistic


The article highlights the issue of interdisciplinary links in speech therapy, in particular, the philosophy of language. Given that the number of children with special educational needs is increasing, the relevance of the article is indeed justified. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the problem in question more in detail. The article aims to a) clarify such concepts as “language”, “philosophy of language”, “hermeneutics”, “speech therapy”, b) analyze an interdisciplinary approach to preventing and correcting speech disorders in children and adults and c) study the causes of such disorders. Research methods include a detailed analysis of scientific sources, as well as a systematic analysis. As shown by the relevant recent work in this area, the interaction of methods from neurology, neurophysiology and neuropsychology contributes to restoring the functional system of language and speech. Speech disorders are mostly typical for people diagnosed with autism, attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity disorder, Huntington’s disease, sclerosis, dementia, and mouth or throat cancer. The novelty lies in the fact that speech therapists should be able to use neurostimulation technologies in the course of corrective work. In conclusion, speech therapy should follow an interdisciplinary approach so that specialists can make an effective diagnosis of speech disorders in children and adults.


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How to Cite

Lyndina, Y. (2022). Interdisciplinary Links of Speech Therapy for Individuals or Children with Special Needs. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(4), 260-273.

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