Social Construction of Organization. A New model in Organizational Development


  • Alexandra Damaschin Department of Sociology, Social Work and Human Resources, UAIC University of Iasi



social constructionism, relational constructionism, appreciative inquiry, development, uncertainty


The paper brings into discussion the social construction of organization and proposes a new model in organizational development. The paper begins with a synthesis on the paradigm of social constructionism, emphasizing its utility in organizational studies. In times of uncertainty and rapid changes, a lot of organizations lose their missions and meanings, or have the capacity to reinvent and to thrive. The question is what makes the difference? In this line, the paper proposes a theoretical model, gathering the social constructionism, relational constructionism, and appreciative inquiry. Using the grounded theory strategy, in-depth interviews and focus groups were developed with employees and leaders from nongovernmental organizations, Iasi, and Bacau Counties. Data are analyzed through NVivo program and present multiple perspectives regarding their activity in social field. The theoretical model may be an inspiration for organizations that are interested in achieving new ideas, solutions, and results.


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How to Cite

Damaschin, A. (2023). Social Construction of Organization. A New model in Organizational Development. Postmodern Openings, 14(2), 39-55.



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