Value-Motivational Aspects Social Activity Development at the Higher Education Institution Specialists


  • Kateryna Averina Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine
  • Natalia Hlebova Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University, Melitopol, Ukraine



social activity, values and value orientations, social competence, value-motivational components, pedagogical tools of developing, the latest educational technologies , activity form


Using the latest educational technologies and active methods of social activity development in future specialists in the educational space under today’s conditions is significantly complicated by existing levels of the object and subject studies of various patterns. The authors studied a wide range of foreign and domestic interdisciplinary works and models which describe the implementation of research methodology of the individual socialization process to study the development of specialists’ social activity. Also, the authors defined the relevant patterns of students’ involving in socially significant activities due to the changes in value-motivational aspects at different stages of social activity development at the higher education institution. The structural and functional components are determined, and the research parameters specifying the changes of value-motivational factors of social activity development in future socionomy specialists are substantiated. The article provides empirical diagnostics of values among the students of socionomic professions within the sociological and pedagogical research of social activity with the participation of 610 students from four Ukrainian higher education institutions. The diagnostics was carried out by means of the shortened version of the “Portrait Questionnaire of Values - PVQ-Revised”. It has been found out that the development of social activity in future socionomy specialists is mainly related to changes in motivational aspects at different levels of generality and complexity; it includes such constructs as values, goals, behavior plans which require a qualitative analysis of social factors and identification of relevant patterns of students’ involvement in socially significant activities.


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How to Cite

Averina, K., & Hlebova, N. (2022). Value-Motivational Aspects Social Activity Development at the Higher Education Institution Specialists. Postmodern Openings, 13(1 Sup1), 38-56.



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