Interaction with the Information Environment and Contemporary Educational Approaches in Higher Education (Educational Level “Master”)
information society, computer and communication technologies, post-industrial society, principles of training, magisters of technological education, philosophical approachesAbstract
A new look at the professional training of a higher school teacher, in particular, a teacher of general technical disciplines and teaching methods for technology, the disclosure of their creative potential is based on contemporary methodological approaches. Let’s consider in more detail each of the indicated approaches. The emergence of the information society is one of the signs of the transition of civilization into the noosphere. With the introduction of integrated communication networks, the possibilities of direct communication of individuals on a global scale are expanding. The introduction of computer and communication technologies into the daily life of people and into production makes a great socio-economic impact on the post-industrial society and causes such powerful social changes, it (society) turns into a completely new type – an information society, the structure and dynamics of which is based on the production of information, and not material values, as it was before. Information in such a society becomes a social and productive value. Hence the new features of society: a certain hierarchy of prestige, a specific type of education, information technology that provides a balance of dynamics and social statics, a fundamentally different manage-ment system, etc. Analysis of the introduction of degree training in higher pedagogical educational institutions of Ukraine allows us to identify general approaches in the implementation of master’s programs, in particular: their focus on the bachelor’s degree; variability, flexibility and mobility of master’s education, taking into account current socio-economic trends and regional needs; scientific and practical pedagogical direction and individual approaches in the organization of the educational process.
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