The Methodological Potential of Nomadism Concept in Describing Educational Strategies




education, nomadism, network, transformation, openness, complexity, self-replacement


The realities of the modern world are marked by rapid changes, which bring dissonance to the process of social development and human existence, depriving him of clearly defined guidelines and priorities. The sociocultural context of the epoch, based on changing, liquid versions of modernity, presents a series of challenges to a person and the social institutions, including education, he has created. Education is responsible not only for finding adequate answers to the civilization challenges of the epoch, but also for outlining the further directions of its development. The methodological ideas of the concept of nomadism allow to consider education as a complex sociocultural formation, which is in the state of constant change and is marked by openness, not linearity, the ability to acquire new outlines and characteristics. The understanding of education, which is transformative and humanistic in nature, pluralistic in content, which responds to sociocultural changes flexibly and proactively and updates the forms of training organization has been presented. It is stated that the development of education should be based on the priority of the new knowledge creation instead of the ready information consumption, should focus on the ability to consider problems comprehensively and contextually and to outline new ones in familiar to a person situations, should be carried out by engaging in educational activities of the personal experience and life practices of learning subjects, to promote their ability to self-education and self-transformation in order to realize their own life potential.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Hanaba, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Doctor of Philosophical Sciences, associate professor,

Professor of Pedagogics and social-economic disciplines department,

Faculty of foreign languages and humanities

Olena Voitiuk, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor,

Professor of English language department,

Faculty of foreign languages and humanities

Valentyna Hrishko-Dunaievska, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Candidate of Psychological Sciences,

Senior Instructor of English language department,

Faculty of foreign languages and humanities

Hanna Bahrii, National Academy of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine named after Bohdan Khmelnytskyi

Candidate of Psychological Sciences,

Associate Professor of the Translation Department,

Faculty of foreign languages and humanities


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How to Cite

Hanaba, S., Voitiuk, O., Hrishko-Dunaievska, V., & Bahrii, H. (2020). The Methodological Potential of Nomadism Concept in Describing Educational Strategies. Postmodern Openings, 11(1), 195-210.



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