Review of Mobile Application Studies in Special Education: A Systematic Domain Scan


  • Zohre Serttas Near East University- Distance Education And İnformation Technology Center, Turkey
  • Sahin Akdag Near East University- Distance Education And İnformation Technology Center, Turkey
  • Burak Demir University Of Mediterrenian Karpasia- Institute Of Social Sciences, Cyprus



Special Education, Technology Usage, Special Education and Technology, Mobile Application


The general purpose of this research is to conduct systematic field writing screening to determine the use of mobile application studies in special education. The research was conducted in the spring of 2019-2020. The universe of research is the articles in the field of technology and special education in the field of mobile application. The sample of the study consists of 26 articles published in the Google Academic database in the field of mobile applications in private education between 2015 and 2020. First of all, journals with articles were identified by researchers as part of the use of special education technology and mobile applications and articles were examined. More qualitative and mixed research methods have been preferred as data collection tools in the researched research. It is thought that the results will shed light on future studies.


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How to Cite

Serttas, Z. ., Akdag, S. ., & Demir, B. . (2022). Review of Mobile Application Studies in Special Education: A Systematic Domain Scan. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies, 7(1), 90-100.

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