Investigation of the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Job Satisfaction


  • Burak Demir Lecturer PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus
  • Ali Tatar Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus



Organizational Learning, Job Satisfaction, Learning Organizations


Those who work in a learning organization are more satisfied with their lives. Individuals in an organization who experience job satisfaction serve organizational goals more strongly. Therefore, it is possible to say that learning organizations make a positive contribution to the job satisfaction of employees. In this study, it is aimed to test the relationship between organizational learning and job satisfaction. In this context, by using the scales developed by previous researchers, it was investigated whether there is a relationship between organizational learning and job satisfaction, and if there is a relationship, to what extent organizational learning, which is an independent variable, predicts job satisfaction, which is the dependent variable. As a result of the correlation analysis applied to the data, a statistically significant relationship was found between the "Organizational Learning" variable and the "Job Satisfaction" variable. The strength of the relationship between these two variables is moderate. In addition, a statistically significant relationship was found between a total of 7 factors belonging to the organizational learning variable and job satisfaction at medium strength. As a result of the simple linear regression analysis conducted to examine the extent to which organizational learning predicts job satisfaction, it was seen that the variance of 38.6% in job satisfaction varied depending on organizational learning. The findings of this research are consistent with previous research that emphasizes that job satisfaction is an important predictor of employees' individual performance.


Author Biographies

Burak Demir, Lecturer PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus

Lecturer PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus

Ali Tatar, Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus

Assoc. Prof. PhD, University of Mediterranean Karpasia Instıtute of Socıal Scıences, Cyprus


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How to Cite

Demir, B. ., & Tatar, A. (2022). Investigation of the Relationship between Organizational Learning and Job Satisfaction. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies, 7(1), 101-138.

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