Burnout Syndrome in IT Industry


  • Cristina-Elena Stărică Lector univ. dr. Universitatea „Petre Andrei” din Iași
  • Elena-Roxana Apetrăchioaei Student , Facultatea de Psihologie,Științele Educației și Asisteță Socială, Universitatea „Petre Andrei” din Iași,
  • Daria-Ștefana Stărică  Cybersecurity Software Engineer, Vitesco Technologies Engineering Romania.




job burnout, information technology, employee satisfaction, job satisfaction


Burnout is a product of working conditions, which also occurs in the field of information technology (IT). The IT industry is known for high-stress levels due to high-quality requirements in writing programs, testing programs and demonstrating their functionality and quality within a limited time period, as the process is made to meet the customer's needs. Thus the employee and his company need to identify the specifications and exceed the expectations of the customers. At the same time, IT organizations face an accelerated pace of technological change, increased demands and a complex diversity of resources. Thus, IT professionals tend to burn out due to high levels of stress and there is as well a high probability of triggering early burnout syndrome in this professional field.

Since the appearance of the term in the scientific literature, several approaches have appeared that have tried to answer the question of why burnout occurs and how it develops. The present research focuses on detailing the most current and supported explanatory theories of burnout, which are complementary and offer a global view of this syndrome: social-cognitive theory, social exchange theory, organizational theory, structuralist theory, job demands theory - resources, emotional contagion theory.

By reviewing the factors that contribute to burnout, the review is aiming to draws attention to the fact that burnout is not an inevitable syndrome; it can be prevented before it occurs and treated during its development.


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How to Cite

Stărică, C.-E., Apetrăchioaei, E.-R., & Stărică, D.- Ștefana. (2023). Burnout Syndrome in IT Industry. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 422-439. https://doi.org/10.18662/upasw/29/86

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