Assistive Technologies for Teaching and School Integration of Students with Visual Impairment


  • Mihai Gabriel Doleanu Profesor educator, Liceul Special Moldova
  • Adina Karner Huțuleac Conf.univ.dr.hab., UAIC, Educational Sciences Department



assistive technology, access technology, visual impairment, inclusion, integration


In the context in which inclusive and integrated education tends to become a reality of the Romanian education system, it is essential to consider assistive technologies as an important resource in the educational process of visually impaired students.

               The main purpose of our research is to reflect on the importance of raising awareness among educational actors regarding the use of assistive technology for visually impaired students.By implementing assistive technologies as an essential part of the curriculum, teachers can sustain students by providing specific support to solve learning problems while promoting independent learning. In addition to specific educational programs/activities (early intervention, complex and integrated educational therapy, compensation therapies), teachers must develop and refine methods of integrating assistive technologies into teaching-learning-assessment activities.

We described the process by which specialists from international school systems manage to integrate assistive/access technologies andunderlined the specific progress made in our country in this field.


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How to Cite

Doleanu, M. G., & Karner Huțuleac, A. (2023). Assistive Technologies for Teaching and School Integration of Students with Visual Impairment. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 151-163.

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