Creativity - Fundamental Factor in Professional Success


  • Giorgiana Corcaci Associate Professor Ph.D., "Petre Andrei" University, Iasi
  • Carmen Daniela Zaharia Prof. înv. preşcolar, Grădiniţa cu program prelungit (G.P.P), nr. 1, Târgovişte, Jud. Dâmboviţa



internet addiction, social intelligence, empathy, social irritability, compusive use of internet


In modern society, there is an increasingly intense search for not only the economic efficiency of labor, but also human efficiency, but above all, to achieve the satisfaction of labor. The satisfaction of the mountain is the result of the difference between the amount of moral or financial order that a man finds in the restored mountain and what he estimates that he should get. It determines performance and the characteristics of personality, motivation, adherence, creativity, mental and organizational health. The present study aims to verify the role of creativity factors in determining professional success. It is to be expected that people with a high creative potential can also present a high level of professional satisfaction, a level especially associated with professional success. We are also interested in studying which dimensions of professional success are related to aspects of creativity.


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How to Cite

Corcaci, G., & Zaharia, C. D. (2023). Creativity - Fundamental Factor in Professional Success. Anuarul Universitatii Petre Andrei Din Iasi - Fascicula: Asistenta Sociala, Sociologie, Psihologie, 29, 126-136.

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