Are Psychological Abuse and Jealousy Predictors of Satisfaction with Romantic Couple? A Correlational Study
psychological abuse, jealousy, satisfaction with romantic couple, correlational studyAbstract
It is well documented that psychological abuse and jealousy are two of the risk factors that impair well-being in a romantic relationship. The main objective of this study was to determine whether psychological abuse by one partner in a romantic couple and jealousy by the other partner predict the satisfaction with romantic couple. A questionnaire-based survey was administered to a sample of 79 Romanian adults (47 males and 62 females). Participants completed a demographic and relationship form as well as Romanian versions of the Scale of Psychological Abuse in Intimate Partner Violence (EAPA-P; Porrúa-García et al., 2016), the Interpersonal Jealousy Scale (IJS; Mathes & Severa, 1981; Mathes, Roter & Joerger, 1982), and the Relationship Assessment Scale (RAS; Hendrick, 1988). Working hypotheses were tested using correlation analysis and multiple linear regression with the standard method. Compared to females, males reported significantly higher satisfaction with romantic couple. Participant gender was a positive predictor of the satisfaction with romantic couple, whereas direct and indirect strategies for psychological abuse and jealousy were negative predictors. Some practical implications are discussed.
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