Efficiency of the Methods for Forming the Chemical Safety Competence of Future Doctors


  • Alla Ishchenko Bogomolets National Medical University
  • Nataliia Stuchynska Bogomolets National Medical University
  • Valentyna Tolmachova National Pedagogical Dragomanov University




Medical education, professional training of doctors, studying biological and bioorganic chemistry, chemical safety, safety alert symbols, markings of chemical substances


The paper provides a theoretically substantiated scope, structure, criteria and indices of the chemical safety competence of future doctors in the course of studying bioorganic and biological chemistry. There is a motivation-value component (formedness of steady inner drives and understanding of the practical value of interpreting and applying biochemical aspects of chemical safety to the medical and preventative activities of future doctors), a cognitive component (knowing the substantive aspects – ‘Modern Chemical Safety Ideas’ and ‘Biochemical Aspects of Chemical Safety’) and an activity component (using the chemical safety knowledge, capabilities and skills) to be singled out in the structure of the chemical safety competence of future doctors. There are set requirements to the indices and levels (low, average, adequate, high) of the formedness of the motivation-value, cognitive and activity criteria of the chemical safety competence of future doctors in the course of studying bioorganic and biological chemistry.

The article describes the methods of forming the competence of future doctors in chemical safety during the study of bioorganic and biological chemistry, suggests the use of modern teaching methods (designing, solving situational tasks, performing laboratory studies simulating the effects of harmful chemicals, testing), pedagogical methods ( interpretation of the concepts of biochemical trends of chemical safety, video lectures and methodical instructions are provided for independent study by students), work in groups and individual work.


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How to Cite

Ishchenko, A., Stuchynska, N., & Tolmachova, V. (2022). Efficiency of the Methods for Forming the Chemical Safety Competence of Future Doctors. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 14(4), 131-144. https://doi.org/10.18662/rrem/14.4/633

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