Modern Understanding of Elementary School Teacher Subjectivity
Neuroscience, teacher’s role, pedagogical system, pupil development, professional education, Ego-concept, educational conditions, subjectivity of junior schoolchild, educational activityAbstract
The article highlights modern understanding of subjectivity in primary school teachers and pupils in the theoretical and methodological discourse of the post-Soviet space. It proves that school education functions and develops, on the one hand, according to its traditional laws and regularities, and on the other hand, it represents the pedagogical system, in the centre of which there are people, namely, teachers and pupils. The article refutes an assumption that the personality of the teacher is at the centre of the educational system, and their professional self-realization as a subject of pedagogical activity is aimed at their social, intellectual and activity development. It’s proved that the synergy of self-motivation and subjectivity development is inseparable from the development of a similar mental phenomenon in pupils and is the main content characteristic of teacher’s activity. The essential feature by which the teacher distinguishes and affirms themselves in the space of individual, professional and historical being is their professional subjectivity, that is, self-determination and self-regulation of themselves as a subject of behavior, not only within the framework of pedagogical communication and interaction. The article summarizes innovative ideas about the tasks, roles, indicators of readiness of future teachers, which synergistically develop both their and pupils’ subjectivity. Also, it outlines the prospects for further research, which lie in the theoretical and methodological development of new educational conditions for initiating the subjectivity of the actors in the educational process.
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