Innovative Training of Future Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in the Conditions of Distance Learning


  • Viktoriia Meniailo Zaporizhzhia National University
  • Yurii Shapran Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Olha Shapran Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Olena Serhiichuk Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Yuliia Bahno Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav
  • Olha Kanibolotska Zaporizhzhia National University



e-learning, independent work, personal educational trajectory, monitoring and control, reflection


The study examined the change in the attitude of students and teachers to the system of distance learning of future teachers of higher education institutions after passing the blitz course "Modern distance education". The experiment was conducted in Ukraine -a post-Soviet state, where part-time and part-time education still prevails, and distance learning still remains innovative and is gradually being implemented within the transitional credit transfer system. The article used sociological methods to study the acceptability of innovative forms of learning. In particular, after the participants of the blitz course "Modern Distance Learning" sociologically measured the attitude to innovative areas of distance learning, namely: work with electronic resources,counseling, modeling personal educational trajectory, organization and self-organization of independent forms of work and psychological training (motivation, training in self-regulation techniques, trainings and self-trainings on the practice of independent decision-making and responsibility). Particular attention was paid to diagnosis and self-diagnosis, as well as control and self-control. After a theoretical (sociological) discussion of innovative forms of distance learning, it was found that teachers are interested in innovative methods of work, but prefer a stationary form of educational services; during distance learning, emphasis is placed on consulting forms of work and multifaceted monitoring of competencies. Students, on the other hand, showed a high sensitivity to e-learning, providing maximum academic freedom and self-control. However, the dynamics of a positive attitude to distance innovation had a slight increase in students and moderate -in teachers. At an international level, the scientific novelty of the article involves subjective views of students and university teachers on distance learning in the post-Soviet countries, where until now such learning was implemented only by the top-down approach. Thus, the article can become a theoretical basis for the development of contact educational programs in the humanities for the implementation of innovative methods of distance learning in the studied region.


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How to Cite

Meniailo, V., Shapran, Y., Shapran, O., Serhiichuk, O., Bahno, Y., & Kanibolotska, O. (2021). Innovative Training of Future Teachers of Higher Education Institutions in the Conditions of Distance Learning. Revista Romaneasca Pentru Educatie Multidimensionala, 13(2), 288-303.

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