Tolerance as a Communicative and Socio-Cultural Strategy of Social Agreements


  • Maryna Prepotenska National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor S ikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”
  • Liudmyla Ovsiankina Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University
  • Tetiana Smyrnova Kharkiv I.P.Kotlarevsky National University of Arts
  • Olha Rasskazova Municipal institution "Kharkiv Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy" of the Kharkiv regional council
  • Lidiia Cherednyk National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Maksym Doichyk Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University



tolerance, internal dialogue, autotolerance, tolerant worldview, interpersonal communication, practical philosophy, social consent, consensus


The problem of tolerance is analyzed against the background of the acute challenges of today and transformation of humanities from antiquity to postmodernism. Tolerance-related definitions arose in philosophy are examined retrospectively: patience, tolerance, respect, trust, harmony in diversity. The methodological significance of the integrative interdisciplinary prism in consideration of the phenomenon of tolerance is shown.

Three leading sociocultural and communicative strategies of tolerance in social agreements have been identified: tolerant internal dialogue (agreement with oneself), tolerant communication with the world (worldview tolerance), tolerant interpersonal communication (important social agreements). The limits of tolerance are outlined, beyond which it becomes quasi-tolerance, because behind the simulacrum of tolerance hides indifference, conformism of communicators, or sprouts of intolerance, aggression, mobbing. With the help of sociological and synergetic theories the idea of balance of tolerance in psychological, mental and spiritual, physical aspects of human existence is defended. Autotolerance is due to human self-knowledge, sound self-esteem, developed mental and emotional quotient (EQ), and under such conditions it strategically determines a tolerant dialogue with the world, a constructive worldview. In turn, it needs critical thinking and an ecological attitude to information, especially in the context of media manipulation and phubbing. The simulacrum of modern pop literature on positive thinking is outlined, in contrast to which the life-creating potential of practical philosophy is revealed, which contributes to creation of socio-cultural and communicative communities.


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How to Cite

Prepotenska, M., Ovsiankina, L., Smyrnova, T., Rasskazova, O., Cherednyk, L., & Doichyk, M. (2022). Tolerance as a Communicative and Socio-Cultural Strategy of Social Agreements. Postmodern Openings, 13(1), 291-312.



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