Review of the volume “Reproductive Behavior of Women in Republic of Moldova, Sociological Study”. Authors: Maria Bulgaru and Oleg Bulgaru


  • Antonio Sandu Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Romania



reproductive behavior, societal changes, Republic of Moldova, parenthood.


The reproductive behavior and its dynamics are a topic of particular relevance due to the major societal changes imposed by the modernization process currently taking place in the Republic of Moldova. Among these changes we can include an egoistic attitude towards parenthood and the correlation of parenthood with a certain level of living and a certain socio-professional status that leads to postponing the decision to become a parent in favor of completing studies and career development. The increase in the birth rate is correlated with an increase in the marriage age, but also with a fragility of the marital couple, coupled with a much higher divorce rate. Increasing the birth rate leads to a decrease in the fertile period of future mothers, and implicitly to the decrease in the average number of children per family couple (Van de Kaa, 2002), which is below the rate of natural replacement of generations (Metro Media Transilvania, 2005; Varlamova, Noskova & Sedova, 2006).


Van de Kaa, D.J. (2002). The Idea of a Second Demographic Transition in Industrialized Countries. Paper presented at the Sixth Welfare Policy Seminar of the National Institute of Population and Social Security, Tokyo, Japan, 29 January 2002. [Accessed 14.03.2018]. Available at: .pdf

Metro Media Transilvania (2005). Ancheta asupra dinamicii unor fenomene populaţionale şi emergenţa unor stiluri de viaţă în România. Cluj, Romania, p. 15, 17.

Varlamova, S.N., Noskova, A.V., Sedova, N.N. (2006). Sem'ya i deti v zhiznennykh ustanovkakh rossiyan. Sotsiologicheskiye issledovaniya, 10, pp. 61-73.

Bulgaru, M., Bulgaru, O. (2015). Comportamentul reproductiv al femeilor din Moldova. Studiu sociologic realizat de Facultatea de Sociologie si Asistenta Sociala a Universitatii de Stat din Moldova, 2015.




How to Cite

Sandu, A. (2018). Review of the volume “Reproductive Behavior of Women in Republic of Moldova, Sociological Study”. Authors: Maria Bulgaru and Oleg Bulgaru. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences, 7(1), 44-47.

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