Equal Opportunities and Promoting Balance between Work and Family Life


  • Romana Onet Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania.




integrated services, family intervention, equal opportunities, early intervention.


Development of equal opportunities for women to realize their full potential create premises for socio-professional integration of women. The work will support the results of a project implemented in the NW Region, based on an analysis of the specific needs of compact Roma, debates on the main issues faced by women in accessing a job, stereotypes, constraints on social inclusion, equality opportunities. The main objective of the project was to promote the gender perspective in social life through awareness of local communities from NW Region on the topic of equality between women and men, by eliminating stereotypes and occupational segregation, preventing discrimination, balanced participation in economic actions of women and encouraging cooperation of women and men within the meaning of fair division of social responsibilities; development of new complementary services that provide care for dependents, to facilitate the inclusion of women in the labor market and avoid distortions of professional and family life. Facilitating women's access to employment on the labor market can be realized by promoting harmonization of family life with professional life, developing parenting skills, family approach in providing social services, development of services for children.

Author Biography

Romana Onet, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania.

Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare, Romania.


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How to Cite

Onet, R. (2018). Equal Opportunities and Promoting Balance between Work and Family Life. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Social Sciences, 7(1), 12-28. https://doi.org/10.18662/lumenss/02

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