The Principle of Respecting the Rights of the Suspect/Accused, the Principle of Equality of Arms and the Principle of Immediacy - Basic Principles of the Criminal Trial


  • Nicolae Silviu Pană Bachelor in law from the University of Bucharest, Faculty of Law, master in business law from the Nicolae Titulescu University, lawyer with the Dambovita Bar of Lawyers



rights of the suspect/accused, the principle of equality of arms, the principle of immediacy


By the basic principles of the criminal trial, we understand those rules of a general nature based on which the entire development of the criminal trial is regulated. The fundamental principles of the criminal trial are written as basic rules in the Criminal Procedure Code. Apart from these principles, procedural doctrine, judicial practice and other legal provisions enshrine other fundamental ideas that can be considered principles. Among these, the principle of equality of arms and the principle of immediacy are among the most important, because along with the presumption of innocence, they are the guarantors of the rights of the suspect or the accused.


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How to Cite

Pană, N. S. (2022). The Principle of Respecting the Rights of the Suspect/Accused, the Principle of Equality of Arms and the Principle of Immediacy - Basic Principles of the Criminal Trial. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Political Sciences & European Studies, 7(1), 80-89.

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