Crisis Management: What COVID-19 Taught the World


  • Ionela Stanca University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Craiova
  • Tudor Tarbujaru University of Craiova, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Craiova



crisis, crisis management, emergency management, challenges, COVID-19


New strategies, solutions and organizational procedures are required to deal with the many living realities that are necessitated by advances in science and technology as well as patterns of human connection in our time to deal with crises today. This study examines the most recent social issues linked with the COVID-19 outbreak in an attempt to establish critical crisis management objectives and priorities. People are worried because governments have put restrictions on both groups and people. In light of the problems that have arisen as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, this research will focus on examining various crisis management strategies. Expert opinions were solicited in order to determine gaps and new paths in crisis management. Unfortunately, we could not find much information in the literature about successful recovery strategies and future prospects for the businesses hit worst by the current COVID-19 outbreaks. Several important findings have emerged from studies of the causes, effects, and management of crises. The paper claims that while disasters and crises are inevitable, they can have less of an impact if well managed. An organization's ability to handle vital activities during a crisis is enhanced by this. This research shows how the crisis management challenges brought on by the COVID-19 epidemic provide an opportunity, and how flexibility is a crucial part of contemporary strategic management. In order to better understand and assist the processes of such events, the research found that crisis management methodologies and concepts may be extended and used. Finally, we suggest several avenues for further research into the topic of international crisis management.


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How to Cite

Stanca, I., & Tarbujaru , T. . (2022). Crisis Management: What COVID-19 Taught the World. Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Economics & Administrative Sciences, 7(1), 01-18.

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