MARGINALIA ON ACCOUNT OF THE PUBLISHINGOF A NEW HANDBOOK OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ROMANIAN LEGAL LITERATURE: "Lessons of Romanian Private International Law". Author, PhD Univ. Prof. Nadia-Cerasela Anitei, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2015


  • Valerius M. CIUCA PhD Univ. Prof. Faculty of Law, Al. I. Cuza University, Iasi


Lessons of Romanian private international law, legal sciences, Lumen Publishing House, Romanian, Iasi.


The publication of a handbook or of a course support for the benefit of students is the essential duty of any teacher forming specialists in the field of legal sciences.
With such a sense of duty, we are pleased to note, appears before the academic body Mrs. Cerasela-Nadia Anitei, a professor at "Dunarea de Jos" University of Galati, who recently published a handbook of private international law under the title " Lessons of Romanian Private International Law "published by Lumen Publishing House in Iasi.
Well structured in relation to the specific requirements of the discipline aforementioned, the author's handbook is accompanied by extensive references which illustrate both the Romanian doctrine in this scientific field, and largely, the European doctrine or, more broadly, the international one, needed to support in a substantiated manner the basic ideas of the courses and seminars held before the students of the University from Galati.
The handbook recently published by the author is meant to arouse the interest of those who want to enter the secrets of this frontier science which refined over time, judicial solutions of the most questionable in relation to the legal culture related to each protagonist to private legal relations with foreign elements.

How to cite: Ciuca, V. M. (2016). Marginalia on account of the publishingof a new handbook of private international law in romanian legal literature: "Lessons of Romanian Private International Law". Author, PhD Univ. Prof. Nadia-Cerasela Anitei, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2015. Jurnalul de Studii Juridice, Year XI, No. 3-4, December 2016, 89-90.




How to Cite

CIUCA, V. M. (2018). MARGINALIA ON ACCOUNT OF THE PUBLISHINGOF A NEW HANDBOOK OF PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW IN ROMANIAN LEGAL LITERATURE: "Lessons of Romanian Private International Law". Author, PhD Univ. Prof. Nadia-Cerasela Anitei, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2015. Jurnalul De Studii Juridice, 11(3-4). Retrieved from



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