Hastening the Marriage Decision for the Pregnant Woman


  • Iulian Apostu Lecturer PhD Bucharest University; Scientific Researcher, Institute of Sociology, Romanian Academy




marriage, pregnancy, marital couple


Choosing a spouse is a very important process in the life of the individual. This choice influences marital harmony or disharmony and for this reason, the decision should be made after a sufficient period of knowing the partner. Moreover, the decision to marry should be the synthesis of concrete experiences that show how the partner reacts in the concrete situations of life, how the partner reacts to the needs of the other, what is the level of participation in the joint actions of the couple and, of course, how they react in situations of stress. But, beyond the "theories", the elections are often the effect of the emotion of the moment, an effect of the immediate need for fusion or an effect of the culture of the reference community. Thus, although the choices seem to be free, they receive influences from the families of origin, from the reference group or from the culture of the community of which an individual is a part. The study aims to investigate the situation of culturally imposed marriages due to the woman's condition of being pregnant before marriage. With cultural imperatives like "get married because you're embarrassing us!" or "get married because there is a risk that the man will leave you!", some of the pregnant women accept the haste of marriage. The study is based on the analysis of official documents, which are divorce files from the period when the Family Code was into force.


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How to Cite

Apostu, I. (2022). Hastening the Marriage Decision for the Pregnant Woman. Journal for Ethics in Social Studies, 5(1), 11-20. https://doi.org/10.18662/jess/5.1/38

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