Surrogacy in the Context of Reproductive Rights


  • Loredana Terec-Vlad PhD student, Doctoral School of the Titu Maiorescu University in Bucharest



surrogacy, reproductive rights, human rights


The evolution of the medical technologies has also transformed the surrogate, from the traditional surrogate to the gestational surrogate, from the surrogate with the embryo of the infertile couple to the surrogate with embryos from donors or with embryos obtained from gametes taken from donors (surrogate mother or another person), from carrying a pregnancy by a woman of biological reproductive age and up to carrying a pregnancy by a woman past the reproductive age, all these stages or forms of surrogacy imply various debates in the medical, bioethical and, of course, human rights literature. As the forms of surrogacy diversified, the multitude of rights that had to be balanced (of the infertile couple, of the parents, of the surrogate mother, of the embryo in vitro or of the embryo transplanted into the uterus) were also increasingly difficult to quantify, to define as legal and to keep in a fair balance.


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How to Cite

Terec-Vlad, L. (2023). Surrogacy in the Context of Reproductive Rights. European Journal of Law and Public Administration, 10(2), 34-45.



International Law. European Law. Comparative Law.

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