The Teacher's Role in the Use of E-learning Technologies for English Language Learning in Higher Education: the Neural Impact of Electronic Services on the Student's Brain


  • Olena Stepanenko Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences (Ph.D.), Assistant Professor at Educational and Scientific Institute of Philology, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv,
  • Oksana Rudnianyn Candidate of Science in Philology, Assistant Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University
  • Oksana Nefedchenko Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Lecturer of Department of Foreign Languages and Linguodidactics, Sumy State University
  • Galyna Oleinikova PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of English Philology and World Literature,Izmail State University of Humanities
  • Natalia Kostenko Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Social Technologies, the Head of the Department of Social Technologies of Vinnitsia Socio-Economic Institute,Open International University of Human Development “Ukraine”
  • Iryna Kutsenko Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor of English Language Department for Maritime Officers (Abridged Programme),Kherson State Maritime Academy



IC technology, electronic services, neuropedagogy, digital learning, online services


The process of globalization affects all areas of the education system, necessitating the correlation of the sphere of professional activity with the requirements for the competence of a modern specialist. Mastering the current information and communication space determines the need to master the unified tool of interaction technologies of e-learning English in higher education institutions. Future graduates of higher education institutions, no matter what field they work in, need skills that promote interaction, implementation of professional self-development. Training highly professional specialists with not only theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their specialty, but also advanced means of communication, electronic platforms, knowledge of a foreign language is fully consistent with the main task of the university. Knowledge of a foreign language contributes to professional culture, creates opportunities to freely navigate in the studied scientific research from the field of knowledge. Higher education professors face the task of not only creating the conditions for learning a foreign language, but also to purposefully motivate students to master it as a necessary competence for carrying out professional activities. The study of a foreign language should be professionally oriented, contribute to the solution of cognitive and communicative needs of students. The article researches the most effective e-learning technologies in English classes in higher education institutions (HEI); defines the role of the teacher when using e-learning technologies of English language in higher education institutions; describes the educational centers and platforms for e-learning; defines the neural influence of electronic services on the brain of the student.


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How to Cite

Stepanenko, O., Rudnianyn, O., Nefedchenko, O., Oleinikova, G., Kostenko, N., & Kutsenko, I. (2023). The Teacher’s Role in the Use of E-learning Technologies for English Language Learning in Higher Education: the Neural Impact of Electronic Services on the Student’s Brain. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 14(3), 480-491.

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