Audit of Digital Civic Space in the Modern School: from Teacher to Creative Leader




Civic consciousness, creativity, digitalization of educational space, digital citizenship, leadership, postmodernism


The article is dedicated to modern approaches to development of digital civic space of the modern school, which is a new phenomenon in Ukraine. A brief analysis of results of recent scientific researches that raise the issue of digital citizenship in postmodern times is given. Theoretical principles and practical experience of European countries to create a digital civic space are considered. Definitions of “civic consciousness” and “digital citizenship”, “creativity”, “postmodernism” are given. Modern approaches to development of digital competence of participants in the educational process are singled out. Vision of the Council of Europe on the components of digital citizenship is considered, which is seen as empowering students and acquiring the necessary digital skills for successful self-realization in the postmodern era. A brief description of the Conceptual Model of Digital Citizenship Education adopted by the Council of Europe is given, emphasizing the importance of systematicity and consistency in its implementation. Prerequisites for achieving results of this Conceptual Model are generalized and highlighted. Tools for auditing the digital civic space of a modern school are proposed, which allows to determine the level of development of basic skills of a digital citizen in all participants in the educational process. The main audit methods for this tool are surveys, audit of school records and determination of access to digital technologies. The importance of integrating the content of the Conceptual Model of Education on Digital Citizenship into the content of subjects is emphasized, which should be reflected in the school documentation at different levels: from the Educational Program to the teacher’s lesson plan. Criteria and indicators for auditing the school’s digital civic space are detailed.


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How to Cite

Vlasenko, O., Pavlenko, V., Сhemerys O., Piddubna, O., Fedorchuk, A., & Yashchuk, I. (2021). Audit of Digital Civic Space in the Modern School: from Teacher to Creative Leader. BRAIN. Broad Research in Artificial Intelligence and Neuroscience, 12(3), 214-235.

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